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Sitting in the Front Row of an Online Class

We all remember that first day of class and trying to decide where to sit. Even when we felt like hiding in the back row (and texting on our cell phones), we knew we were probably better off in the front. It seemed that the ones just a few feet from the lectern were almost part of the instructor’s secret club. And when we joined that club on the first row, it seemed as though our grades were higher, the teachers liked us more, and we were more confident.

Being at the front of the class felt like being at the top of the class.

In an online class, the front row has a lot more room than it does in a traditional classroom. There’s space for a lot more of us to be an active part of the learning experience. And finding that perfect spot is fairly simple - even in a virtual space.

Provide a memorable introduction.

Most courses provide for an opportunity to introduce yourself during the first days of class. Make a positive impression by not only telling about your academic goals but revealing some personal information as well. Tell about your hobbies, a recent trip, or your pets. Adding in a photo is even better. 

Post early and often.

Nearly all USG eCore and eMajor courses have a discussion board, typically with weekly requirements. Try to usually be among the first to post a response to a prompt. Waiting until hours before the deadline is kind of like taking a nap in the back row. 

Then take this a little further, and post follow-up responses on multiple days during the week. This allows you to truly engage with the experience, and shows that you’re not treating it as simply a chore.

Email the instructor.

Instructors tend to notice those students that take the time to reach out to them. It’s kind of like raising your hand in the traditional classroom. When you see a chance to ask a clarifying question, don’t hesitate. 

Likewise, if you take a quiz and miss a question that you thought was correct, let your instructor know. On occasion, mistakes happen. By reporting an issue, you’re helping everyone. On the other hand, if you truly got the question wrong, don’t be embarrassed. Instructors love the chance to talk more about their areas of expertise. 

If you enjoyed the course, send your instructor a brief note near the end of the term. You might highlight something positive about the instructor - such as how they graded quickly or provided helpful feedback.

Leverage the technology.

Typically, there’s a lot of text in an online course. But making it more visual and interactive is simple. Consider adding a photo or screenshot to a discussion post. Adding a link to a relevant article that brings in new information also shows that you are going above and beyond.

As an online student, it doesn’t matter if you are wearing pajamas or working on your course at midnight. There’s always room at the front of the class.

USG eCampus is a service unit of the University System of Georgia that assists SACSCOC-accredited USG institutions in administering quality, affordable, high-demand, post-secondary online degrees and credentials that address the workplace needs of Georgia and beyond.
By Austen Clay,
Media Contact: Katie Black,


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