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March Freebie: No Application Fee for Most USG Colleges and Universities

Free applications are back at more than 20 institutions in the University System of Georgia. During the month of March, potential students can apply for admissions to most USG institutions at no charge.

By waiving fees, institutions are able to increase applicant pools and remove a financial barrier for those who might otherwise be reluctant to apply. Rates vary across institutions but savings can be significant. For a student applying at 10 USG institutions with average fees of $40, the savings would be $400. 

Students may apply for as many schools as they wish. Most institutions will automatically waive the fee during the application process. A few require specific steps during the application process. Below is a listing of all participating USG institutions and additional instructions where needed.

USG Institutions Requiring No Code for Free Applications in March 2024

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (application)

Atlanta Metropolitan State College (application)

Clayton State University (application)

College of Coastal Georgia (application)

Columbus State University (application)

Dalton State College (application)

East Georgia State College (application)

Fort Valley State University (application)

Georgia Gwinnett College (application)

Georgia Highlands College (application)

Georgia Southern University (application)

Georgia Southwestern State University (application)

Georgia State University - Perimeter (application)

Gordon State College (application)

Kennesaw State University (application)

Middle Georgia State University (application)

Savannah State University (application)

South Georgia State College (application)

University of West Georgia (application)

Valdosta State University (application)

USG Institutions with Special Instructions for Free Applications in March 2024

For further instructions, please reference the GAfutures website.

Albany State University (application

Augusta University (application

University of North Georgia (application

Institutions Offer Popular Online Courses and Programs

All of these institutions, with the exception of Augusta University and Georgia State University, also offer online core courses through USG eCore. This more flexibility and possible cost savings to enrolled students. USG eCore courses feature exceptional support services and no-cost textbooks. Students may take eCore courses along with traditional, face-to-face courses in any combination that they choose.

Most of the institutions also offer one or more fully-online programs through USG eMajor. Geared towards adult learners with some previous college, military, or work experience, these highly-flexible programs can significantly shorten pathways to degree completion. Offerings vary by institution, but include bachelor’s degrees in organizational leadership, criminal justice, information technology, and financial technology. 

USG eCampus is a service unit of the University System of Georgia that assists SACSCOC-accredited USG institutions in administering quality, affordable, high-demand, post-secondary online degrees and credentials that address the workplace needs of Georgia and beyond.
By Austen Clay,
Media Contact: Katie Black,


Anonymous said…
USG brzucha Warszawa to standardowe badanie diagnostyczne, które pozwala na wizualizację organów jamy brzusznej w celu oceny ich stanu zdrowia. Badanie to jest szeroko wykorzystywane w medycynie ze względu na swoją nieinwazyjność, szybkość wykonania i brak efektów ubocznych. Specjaliści z Profilmed w Warszawie korzystają z nowoczesnych urządzeń ultrasonograficznych, co umożliwia szczegółową ocenę stanu zdrowia pacjenta.

Anonymous said…
Dla dzieci oferujemy również USG jamy brzusznej w Warszawie, które jest bezpiecznym badaniem ultrasonograficznym służącym do oceny narządów wewnętrznych, takich jak wątroba, nerki, czy trzustka. To szybkie i nieinwazyjne badanie, które pozwala na dokładną diagnostykę i wczesne wykrycie ewentualnych problemów zdrowotnych u dzieci. Nasza klinika zapewnia profesjonalną opiekę i nowoczesny sprzęt, co gwarantuje precyzyjne wyniki i komfort pacjentów.

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