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So You Have to Give a Speech in Your Online Class…

One of the perceived benefits of taking an online class, particularly for introverts, is that you are not expected to verbally speak up in class. Most online courses are based on reading and writing, which makes it a favorite for introverted types. You’re thinking you may get through college without a single speech at all. 

And then you find out you have to give a speech in your online class.  

Sometimes, these recorded speeches are associated with classes that are connected to public speaking, such as communications or marketing. But other times, they simply serve as part of a project – regardless of the subject matter.

A fear of public speaking does not have to be a hindrance in life, or in your class. In fact some of our culture's most gifted speakers were at one time terrified of speaking in public. Some well-known examples include Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Warren Buffet. These public figures successfully overcame their fears, and so can you. Here are a few tips to help you rise to the task at hand with confidence:

Watch a few other speeches.

Go watch a few Ted Talks and observe how speakers use their facial expressions, pitch of voice and pace to exude confidence. Find a style that fits you and emulate it.

Lower your pitch of voice and slow down.

Speaking too quickly is one indication of nervousness. Be purposeful in speaking more slowly. Also, try to speak an octave or so lower than you usually do – you’ll come across as more professional. Don’t forget to take a pause (maybe 2 seconds) after you make a key point.
Write out your speech.

Initially, write out what you want to say, but keep it in a conversational tone with simpler words. Stick to no more than three points (whether your speech is short or long). Practice this a few times, and then frame your content in a series of questions. Use the questions to pretend you are interviewing yourself. You don’t have to stick to the exact phrases that you wrote out – at this point, you should know the content and can be yourself.

Dress the part.

Be comfortable but professional. Looking polished will give you an instant confidence boost.

Use body language.

Use your hands and facial expressions to illustrate a few points. Look into the camera (if recording) most of the time.

Do a couple of vocal exercises before you begin.

These vocal exercises can help you loosen up and avoid tripping over your words. Lip trills, humming and other exercises are commonly used devices during a speaking warmup.

Don't wait until the last day.

One way to ensure stress is to be unfamiliar with the recording technology. Aim for starting and completing your recording at least two days before your assignment is due. This will allow time for troubleshooting any technical issues.

Finally, go easy on yourself.

Remember that even the most practiced get nervous. You are likely doing far better than you think.

USG eCampus is a service unit of the University System of Georgia that assists SACSCOC-accredited USG institutions in administering quality, affordable, high-demand, post-secondary online degrees and credentials that address the workplace needs of Georgia and beyond.
By Austen Clay,
Media Contact: Katie Black,


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