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Let’s Get Ready for Finals - 8 Secrets For Success

For many students, just the thought of final exams and projects brings anxiety and distress. This stress can be self-defeating, as studies show that over-worry related to exams can make it more difficult to retain information (Young, 2022).  But with proper preparation and a positive mindset, students can set themselves up for a grade-boosting finale.

Obviously, re-reading the material (or practicing problems) is a necessary ingredient for high achievement on exams. Assuming that just about everyone reviews the materials to some extent, let’s consider what practices can set you apart.

Get calm.

First and foremost, your best bet is to worry a lot less. For most USG eCore and eMajor courses, the final exam or project only represents a relatively-small portion of the grade. It helps to calculate the exam score you will need to achieve the grade that you are seeking. 

For example, if the final exam is worth 15 percent and you have an 87 in the course, you would need a 107 on the final to earn an A. As that is probably impossible, you will next calculate what it would take to maintain a B average. Using this online grade calculator, you will find that you would only need a 41 on the final exam. 

Additionally, you’ll want to focus on your physical and mental health in traditional ways. Relieve pre-exam stress through exercise, deep breathing, and healthy eating. Visualize yourself succeeding and convince yourself that you will.

Maximize pre-final grade.

Don’t forget about all of the other elements that are part of your final grade. The right time to address these is before final exam week. Double check to make sure that all of your assignments are turned in. Some instructors may allow late discussion or assignment submissions. Be sure to inquire as soon as possible.

Study at a table.

Avoid using your bed for studying. Even those who suffer from severe insomnia are known to drift off quickly when studying for an exam. Make a study spot at a table and work for 25 minutes or so at a time, taking breaks to reflect and recharge. 

Pay attention to instructor clues.

In many courses, instructors will provide a study sheet or other information that can help you focus your studies. At a minimum, be sure that you are reviewing the syllabus or other instructions to make sure that you know exactly what units are included (or not included) on a final exam. 

Instructors may also post announcements, videos, or send emails helping you know what to expect on the final. Review these carefully - sometimes an instructor may provide a mini-overview of the most challenging materials. 

If your final is a project rather than an exam, be sure to look at the rubric. Use it as a checklist to ensure that you are maximizing opportunities for points. 


It can feel overwhelming to study for multiple units or chapters for a final exam. Hopefully, you haven’t waited until the day before the test to study. But if you have, prioritization becomes even more important.

Begin by looking at the main outcomes and topics for each unit. Using information provided by your instructor such as a study guide or announcement, try to determine which topics are most important and most likely to be covered. Make your plan to master these first. Next, plan to quickly review all of the material that you already feel comfortable with. Finally, review content which you know least about or that have been emphasized less in the course. 

Ideally, you’ll repeat this process multiple times. 

Use more of your senses.

One of the reasons for note-taking is not simply to have a record, but because the act of note-taking helps you retain information. By reading the material and taking notes, you are using both sight and touch. Read the key points of the content out loud to add the hearing sense. 

Bringing all of these together can make a surprising difference in memory. 

Skim then read.

You will feel far more productive if you begin studying a chapter by skimming through the whole chapter, highlighting or taking notes along the way. Then you’ll want to go back and read more thoroughly and at a more relaxed pace.

In some courses, instructors will allow for a notes page or an open-book exam. By skimming all materials several times, you won’t waste as much time during the exam trying to find the associated content. It’s important to realize that open-book exams don’t typically allow enough time for looking up every answer. You’ll still want to feel prepared. 

Get help.

If you are facing numerous challenges understanding parts of the content or in completing problems in math and science courses, take advantage of tutoring. USG eCampus offers a variety of tutoring options for most subject areas at no charge to students. Keep in mind that some tutoring services require a 24-hour notice. 

USG eCampus is a service unit of the University System of Georgia that assists SACSCOC-accredited USG institutions in administering quality, affordable, high-demand, post-secondary online degrees and credentials that address the workplace needs of Georgia and beyond.
By Austen Clay,
Media Contact: Katie Black,


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