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10 Surprising Careers for Criminal Justice Majors

For those in law enforcement, one of the best ways to elevate your career is by completing a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or a related area. 

But a degree in criminal justice isn’t just for police and probation officers who are seeking opportunities for promotion. There are a surprising number of career paths for students in a diverse array of fields.

Here are a few other jobs that graduates with a criminal justice degree have pursued:

1. Legal Compliance Officer - Both in the public and private sector, an individual in this role conducts investigations, training and audits to reduce risk for the organization.

2. Federal Air Marshal - Love flying? You’ll work undercover to prevent acts of terrorism and hijacking on commercial flights.

3. Fish and Game Warden - Work outdoors to ensure the responsible use of natural resources and enforce wildlife protection laws.

4. Forensic Accountant - An undergraduate degree in criminal justice pairs well with an undergraduate or graduate level accounting degree. In this role, you’ll uncover white collar crime – including embezzlement and money laundering.

5. Social Worker - Provide support to families of the incarcerated or help the newly released successfully adjust to life after prison through counseling and rehabilitation programs.

6. Emergency Planner - You’ll help to coordinate and implement strategies to respond to natural disasters, such as hurricanes and wildfires.

7. K-9 Officer - You’ll play a key role in search and rescue and drug detection with the help of a highly-trained police dog.

8. Cybersecurity Analyst - This is a growing field in a digital world. With additional certifications and training, you’ll address cyber threats to computer systems and may investigate digital crimes.

9. Criminal Justice Professor - With advanced training and degrees, you’ll move to the head of the class and guide the next generation.

10. Mediator - Facilitate negotiations and agreements outside of the courtroom by working to resolve conflicts.

If any of these professions piqued your interest, then you’re in luck! USG eCampus is proud to support a fully online Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice eMajor degree available through multiple institutions across the state including Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Atlanta Metropolitan State College, Dalton State College, East Georgia State College, Georgia Highlands College, Georgia Southwestern State University, Gordon State College, and the University of West Georgia. The program offers a choice of concentrating in law enforcement or social justice.

USG eCampus is a service unit of the University System of Georgia that assists SACSCOC-accredited USG institutions in administering quality, affordable, high-demand, post-secondary online degrees and credentials that address the workplace needs of Georgia and beyond.
By Austen Clay,
Media Contact: Katie Black,


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