2018, Vol. 1
Georgia’s dual enrollment non-need based grant has resulted in increased dual credit participation. According to University System of Georgia (USG) enrollment reports, the increase in dual enrollments over the last two years was over 50 percent, representing a 3,500 student gain across the system. These students are earning college credits face-to-face and online. Dual credit eCore students achieved ABC rates at over 90 percent!
Research indicates that students participating in dual credit programs show an increase in college persistence, grade point average, and college graduation (An, 2015; Hoffman, Vargas & Santos, 2009: Hughes 2010). Most USG dual enrolled students attend courses face-to-face at around 88 percent for FY17. There are several reasons why a high school student may require an online option to attend a USG institution.
The state of Georgia has over 100 counties that are designated rural, less than 35,000 population, by the Georgia Department of Community Health. Many of our rural county high school students may not be able to attend on-campus courses at a USG institution due to distance challenges. In addition, many high school students who are within reach of a USG campus may not have transportation or are busy with high school clubs, band, sports, or part-time jobs. For these students, who cannot attend on-campus courses, there are online college course options.
Dual enrolled students taking eCore courses have consistently achieved just over a 90 percent ABC rate. Research indicates that eCore dual credit students from rural Georgia counties tend to earn ABC rates at or better than those students from more populated counties (Blackmon, 2017).
For more information about online dual enrollment and increasing your institution's geographic reach, please contact the USG eCampus Partnerships and Enrollment team.
The state of Georgia has over 100 counties that are designated rural, less than 35,000 population, by the Georgia Department of Community Health. Many of our rural county high school students may not be able to attend on-campus courses at a USG institution due to distance challenges. In addition, many high school students who are within reach of a USG campus may not have transportation or are busy with high school clubs, band, sports, or part-time jobs. For these students, who cannot attend on-campus courses, there are online college course options.
Dual enrolled students taking eCore courses have consistently achieved just over a 90 percent ABC rate. Research indicates that eCore dual credit students from rural Georgia counties tend to earn ABC rates at or better than those students from more populated counties (Blackmon, 2017).
For more information about online dual enrollment and increasing your institution's geographic reach, please contact the USG eCampus Partnerships and Enrollment team.
An, B. P. (2015). The role of academic motivation and engagement on the relationship between dual enrollment and academic performance. Journal of Higher Education, 86(1), 98-126.
Blackmon, R. B. (2017). The effects of online dual enrollment in the state of Georgia (unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Georgia, Athens GA.
Hoffman, N., Vargas, J., & Santos, J. (2009). New directions for dual enrollment: Creating stronger pathways from high school through college. New Directions For Community Colleges, 2009(145), 43-58. doi:10.1002/cc.354
Hughes, K. L. (2010). Dual enrollment: Postsecondary/secondary partnerships to prepare students. Journal of College Science Teaching, 39(6), 12-13.