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Meet eMajor Student George Rhaney, Working Father of Three

George Rhaney, 49
Fort Valley State University
Major: Organizational Leadership
Expected Graduation - May 2016

How many eMajor courses have you taken (or are you taking currently)?  I'm smiling as I have lost count!  I've been taking eMajor classes for a year and a half now.

Why is completing your degree important to you?  My story may differ from the average eMajor student in regard to my primary reason for completing this degree.  As a full-time operations manager with over 21 years of experience and as a husband with three beautiful children, my primary reason for returning to earn my degree lies within the existence of my children.   My wife and I take our children's education seriously.  At 6, 8 and 15, each understands our expectation for higher education.  Though they have examples within our family of doctors, surgeons, and educators, I was a little embarrassed my name wasn't among them.  While those professions are not my goal, I wanted to be an example to never give up! 

What are your career goals?  I am seriously considering the pursuit of a Master's Degree.  Since sharing my upcoming graduation with my current employer, I've been given a raise to take effect graduation week!  My immediate career goals are focused on eventually joining the ranks of senior management within my organization where I will be able to use the skill set learned within eMajor!  

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?  As most boys my age, I wanted to be a professional football player, CEO of a business, a motivational speaker, and a preacher!   I'm laughing at that combination.

Why did you choose to take online classes through eMajor?  After researching the available options, eMajor proved to be the most reliable, accredited and financially astute choice for me. 

What eMajor class has been your favorite?  Honestly, I can't pinpoint one particular favorite as I've learned something from each class, even at this stage in life where I thought I knew a lot!

How would you describe the instructors you’ve had in your eMajor classes?  Because of my age, I've been able to connect rather well with my instructors as I have had a lot in common with most of them.  They have proven to be fair, willing to go above and beyond in assisting their students, yet to offer constructive criticism when necessary.  If I had to sum up my overall experience with my instructors in two words, it would simply be this..."They Care."

Besides being a college student, what do you spend your time doing? Honestly, my hobbies have been put on hold during this season of my life for obvious reasons.  When not in school, I enjoy photography and operating one of several TV production cameras at church. 

How and when do you make time for your schoolwork?  The great thing about eMajor is that I can do homework at odd times such as early in the morning before preparing for work or late during the evening on the weekends after spending time with the family.  During crunch time, I can always take as much time as necessary on the weekends as well.

Who inspires you and why?  My children inspire me because I must BE what I expect from them.  With that mindset, they keep me on my toes!

What would you say to someone who is considering an online degree through eMajor?  After returning to the classroom 25 years later, if "I" can succeed as a full-time manager, husband, and father of three, YOU can succeed too!  It's just a matter of time management and support from those within your closest circle.


Y. Wilcher said…
Congrats to you! May God continue to bless you and your family on this journey.

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