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Amazing eCore Students - Meet Savana Jade Wehunt

Savana Jade Wehunt
What is your occupation? I am a student as well as a stand-in, photo double and stunt double for people in tv and film.

What is your college major? Early Childhood Education.

Why eCore? It is the easiest way for me to learn while on set and works around my ever changing work schedule.

Who is the biggest inspiration for your education? The biggest inspiration would have to be my mom because she has always helped me to work hard and has pushed me to be better.
Also I wanted to be a teacher because of my teacher that inspired me way back in 1st grade.

What is something cool you've learned this semester in eCore? I learned a lot more about psychology and how education feeds into psychology.

What three words would you use to describe one of your online instructors? Helpful, Clear and Organized

Where is your favorite place to visit in the USA? My favorite place would be Tennessee or Nebraska because of the beautiful landscape.

What kind of mood are you in right now, and why? I am in a pretty relaxed mood because it is the weekend and I am done with a very busy week of school!

Your favorite study spot? I would have to say on my bed surrounded by lots of blankets and pillows.
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What is something your online classmates don't know about you? I am an actor on the side, and I am also a zombie on the tv show The Walking Dead.

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself? I would like to be a counselor or theater teacher for early childhood education sometime in the future or even be a tutor for young tv stars.


Dawn said…
WOW! What an inspiring story! Savana is a perfect example of hard work and dedication!

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