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Showing posts from April, 2024

Let’s Get Ready for Finals - 8 Secrets For Success

For many students, just the thought of final exams and projects brings anxiety and distress. This stress can be self-defeating, as studies show that over-worry related to exams can make it more difficult to retain information (Young, 2022).  But with proper preparation and a positive mindset, students can set themselves up for a grade-boosting finale. Obviously, re-reading the material (or practicing problems) is a necessary ingredient for high achievement on exams. Assuming that just about everyone reviews the materials to some extent, let’s consider what practices can set you apart. Get calm. First and foremost, your best bet is to worry a lot less. For most USG eCore and eMajor courses, the final exam or project only represents a relatively-small portion of the grade. It helps to calculate the exam score you will need to achieve the grade that you are seeking.  For example, if the final exam is worth 15 percent and you have an 87 in the course, you would need a 107 on the...