You're faced with that five-page paper or 300-word discussion post online. Like many students, you use long sentences with unnecessary words to fill the space. Even worse, you are repeating the same ideas. There is a time for an overabundance of words . These include expository writing, letters of apology, certain types of poetry and Shakespearean-style scripts. But filler words don’t typically belong in your everyday writings. Use these tips to quickly strengthen your short papers, your cover letters, and your online correspondence. You're faced with that five-page paper or 300-word discussion post online. Like many students, you use long sentences with unnecessary words to fill the space. Even worse, you are repeating the same ideas. Note this word of caution. Concise and crisp writing isn’t easier or “dumbing down.” In fact, it can be harder to write in a style of plain language that makes it easier for others to read. Editing is an art in itself. Tips for Plain Language ...